Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Road Trip!

This past week, we bravely embarked on a road trip to Austin, TX. Much to my surprise, the kids did wonderfully in the car!!! We loved visiting with Aunt Mary and Uncle Enidio. Also, the kids loved getting to meet other family members for the first time. The kid's great grandmother celebrated her 80th birthday and Ayden was delighted to get to join in the celebration.

On our way to Texas, we stayed a night in Shreveport and two nights in Lake Charles. Both cities were very pretty and we enjoyed the new experiences. In Lake Charles we stayed at the L'auberge hotel. It was incredible!! The hotel/casino was good for allowing Ayden to walk around and be as loud as he wanted. While the casino was not somewhere I wanted to stay, I didn't have much say because my father was paying for it. (I did not do any gambling because I am too cheap of a person to risk losing one penny!! )

We are all glad to be home and look forward to a week of hanging out at the house. Jessie Ann and Chance were both so excited to see us as were we of them. Since the road trip was so successful, I plan on making the trip again in the Spring...but next time, John will have to come along!